Print or Email a Tenant Payment Receipt

After posting a tenant payment, the software offers the option to print or email a receipt for that tenant payment. 

Enable or Disable the Print Receipt Option

It is easy to activate or deactivate the print payment receipt option at any time. 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click Settings
  2. Choose Program Defaults
  3. Set the Ask to print a receipt after posting a tenant payment? option to Yes to enable. If you would prefer not to see this window every time you post a tenant payment choose No
  4. Click when finished

After posting a tenant payment, a dialogue window will automatically pop up asking if you would like to print a receipt immediately.

Instructions on posting a tenant payment can be found here: Posting an Income or Expense Transaction

Print a Payment Receipt Manually

After payment has been posted to a tenant's ledger, if you need to go back and print or email a receipt, it's easy to go back to perform that task. 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click Tenants
  2. Right-click the Tenant and chose View Ledger 
  3. Right-click on the payment and either choose Print a Receipt from the drop-down options

Email a Payment Receipt

With either option above, the Tenant Receipt preview page will open. Choose either the printer icon or envelope in the upper-right corner. The printer icon allows you to print out the page whereas the envelope icon allows you to email a copy directly to the tenant.

Tenant Payment Receipt

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