Sharing Transaction Attachments

Rentec Direct features the ability to share file attachments on transactions with property Owners and Tenants. With this attachment sharing feature, you will be able to actively communicate with your property owners and tenants about the status and activities related to their properties and transactions. 

Sharing Transaction Related Attachments

The process for sharing attachments to financial transactions works the same for owner clients and tenants. 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click on Properties (for owner related transactions or Tenants
    1. To share with an Owner -  Right-click on the Property and choose Post Expense from the drop-down menu
    2. To share with a Tenant -  Right-click on the Tenant and choose Post Charge from the drop-down menu
  2. Enter the details of the expense transaction and click on Attach Files 

    Attach file to transaction Rentec Direct
  3. After the file uploads, you are then presented the option to share the file:    
    1. Share file(s) with Property ownerShare file with property owner Rentec Direct
      Note: This process also applies to split transactions, in which one attached file is associated with multiple transactions. On the split transactions page, the selection of properties determines whether the file can be shared. If at least one of the properties has a designated owner, then the sharing option becomes visible.
    2. Share file(s) with Tenantshare attachment with tenant Rentec Direct
  4. Click on Post Expense (on property) or Post Charge (to tenant) 

System Note: A complete list of file types compatible with your Rentec Direct account is located in File Library | File Storage

How Owners and Tenants Review Attachments

Transaction attachments that have been shared with owners or tenants can be viewed in their portal in the Statement and Files link.

The following links provide more information on how to 

The  Statement link in the owner and tenant portal display line item ledger transactions with a clickable paperclip, which allows the attachment to be viewed or downloaded.

Statement in owner portal Rentec Direct

The Files link provides the option to Hide or Show attachments and displays all attachments that have been received.

Shared files owners and tenant portal Rentec Direct

System note: If you forget to attach the file when posting the transaction, you will still have the ability to share the file with the owner or tenant from the File Library. The file will display in the Owner Portal Files or Tenant Portal Files but will not be associated with a transaction.

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