Tenant Starting Balance

If you are transitioning to the Rentec Direct property management software, your current tenants will have either a zero, negative, or positive balance that you'll want to have reflected in the system. 

Tenant Ledger Balance

If a tenant has a zero balance (meaning they are neither over nor underpaid), no steps are needed. Additionally, there is no need to enter a starting balance if you intend to enter historical transactions, as that process will create a balance forward. 

But if you simply need a quick ledger starting balance, whether that is a negative or positive amount, instructions are below. 

Posting a Negative Tenant Starting Balance

If a tenant owes any amount, follow these instructions to reflect a negative starting balance.

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click on Tenants
  2. Right-click on the tenant and select Post Charge 
  3. Change the Date to the last day before the first rent charge was posted
  4. Enter the Amount 
  5. Add a Memo

    System AdviceDo not use the recurring option, as it is a one-time entry, and it is recommended not to change the category. 
  6. Click on Post Charge

    NoteThis will create a negative amount on the ledger on the day before the upcoming rent charge. 

Posting a Positive Tenant Starting Balance

Follow the same instructions as above, except enter a negative dollar amount, as this will create a credit on the tenant ledger. 

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