Increase or Add Additional Tenant Deposits

There are times when it is necessary to increase either a security deposit or add an additional deposit (such as a pet or cleaning deposit). 

Add Additional Amount Due

To charge another deposit to a tenant you can do so easily following these instructions. 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click Tenants 
  2. Right-click and choose View Ledger from their menu (or click on the tenant ledger balance).
  3. Click the On Deposit button to enter the deposit ledger

    Tenant On Deposit Ledger
  4. Select the Increase Deposit Due option
  5. Specify the Date 
  6. Enter the Amount due
  7. Add a Memo as needed
  8. Click Save Changes when finished

The deposits due and amounts received will then show up on the security deposit ledger. 

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