Migrate a Tenant Deposit

When a tenant has/will move to another property in the software, you can use the migrate deposit option to applying all or some of the deposit balance to that property.  

Migrate a Tenant Deposit

Whether the tenant is moving within the same building or to another property you have in the software, follow these steps to apply the original deposit to the new location. 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click Tenants 
  2. Right-click and choose View Ledger from their menu (or click on the tenant ledger balance).
  3. Click the On Deposit button to enter the deposit ledger
  4. Tenant On Deposit Ledger
  5. Select the Migrate Deposit action
  6. Specify the Date and Amount to be applied to the new property
  7. From the To Property drop-down menu, choose the property they have/will move to
  8. Add a Memo as needed
  9. Click the Save Changes button when finished. 

Migrate a deposit when a tenant changes properties

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