Batch Income and Expense Transaction Tool
The Batch Income and Expense Transaction Tool (also referred to as the Batch Input Tool) allows you to enter all your transactions for a single bank account at once.
Access the Batch Input Tool
As you prepare to input transactions, consider using this time-saving tool.
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Click on Banking
- Right-click on a Bank Account (or from the Bank Profile Card) and click on Post Income or Post Expense
Enter the transaction details
System Note: When you choose a Tenant for an income transaction, the Property will automatically update to correspond with the tenant associated with that property. If the tenant is associated with more than one property (either currently renting multiple units or has moved from one to another) the Property drop-down menu will offer those other properties as options.
- You then have the option to Split Transaction and/or Attach Files:
- To split a transaction click on the Split Transaction button to add a line and add the details of the split. After the first split, click on +Add Another Line for as many splits as necessary.
To add an attachment click on Attach Files.
Pro tip: Rentec PM clients, after the files have been uploaded you are given the option to share the attachment with the Owner of the Property.
- Click the +New Transaction button to add another transaction. As you add new transactions, you can view transaction details in the Draft Income Ledger directly below the top data-entry section.
- When finished adding all transactions, click on the Post Income or Post Expense button displayed at the top of the Draft Income Ledger.
System Notes:
- The total amount will post on the bank ledger as one payment received or expense paid and will show the individual items on the property, tenant, and owner ledgers and reports.
- Because the transaction will post as one total amount in the bank account ledger, any edits to any individual amounts on a split transaction will influence the total amount in the bank account ledger.