Edit, Split, or Delete Transactions
It's easy to edit, split, or delete transactions in any ledger in Rentec Direct.
To help maintain the integrity of your account, details for all changes are stored in your Transaction History Audit Log
✨ See helpful tips at the end for various ways to access ledgers and transactions
Edit or Correct Transactions
The following steps will guide you through how to edit transactions on any ledger.
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Click on Properties, Tenants, Banking, or Owners appropriate for your task
- Click on the balance to enter the ledger
- Right-click on the transaction and select Edit Transaction/Invoice
- Make needed changes and click on Save Changes
System Advice: Your transaction and account detail drop-down choices for Bank, Category, Tenant, and Property tells the system which ledgers to post this transaction simultaneously. When editing, only choose the items that should be affected by what happened in real life. For example, a 110 Charge is only used for tenant charges on the Tenant Ledger so the Property field should remain as NONE.
Splitting Transactions
When a single payment is received online, check, cash etc., for more than one charge, it's easy to split the payment making sure the correct category is referenced for accurate accounting and reports.
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Click on Properties, Tenants, Banking, or Owners appropriate for your task
- Click on the balance to enter the ledger
- Right-click on the transaction and select Edit Invoice
- Click on Split Transaction
- Under Attachments, complete the partial payment information
- Click on +Add Line
- Enter the next line of partial payment information
- Continue adding lines until complete and the Amount under Transaction Details matches the total payment received.
- When all partial payments have been entered and the amount matches the payment received, click on Save Changes
Delete Transactions
There may be times when a single or multiple transactions need to be deleted.
Delete Individual Transactions
The following steps will guide you through deleting individual transactions.
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Click on Properties, Tenants, Banking, or Owners appropriate for your task
- Click on the balance to enter the ledger
- Right-click on the transaction and select Delete Invoice
Deleting multiple transactions
If there are multiple transactions that need to be deleted:
- When viewing the ledger click on the Gear icon at the top and select Delete Mode
- Click on the trash icon next to each transaction to be deleted
- Click on the Gear to change back to Edit Mode when finished deleting
Tip: If you accidentally selected a transaction to be deleted, simply click on it again to undo before leaving the page
Deleting a Split Transaction
Follow the Delete Multiple Transactions steps above, deleting each line of the split which must be clicked before the entire transaction can be deleted.
Rentec Direct makes it easy to access ledgers for all devices by offering various ways to access them.
- Click directly on the balance
- Right-click next to the property, tenant, bank account, or owner and select View Ledger from the menu
- Click on the 3 dots to access the menu and select View Ledger
- Double click on the subject
- for Mac users, control-click
Within the ledger there are several ways to access the edit/delete option
- Double click on the transaction to make necessary changes or click on Delete Transaction
- Click on the paper/pencil icon
- Right-click on the transaction line