How to Charge an Expense Against a Tenant Deposit

After you have applied a portion or all of a deposit to a tenant ledger, you are then able to post charges on the tenant ledger. 

More information on applying a deposit amount to a tenant's ledger can be found here: Apply Deposit as a Tenant Credit

Charging an Expense Against a Deposit

When you have moved all deposit credits to the tenant's regular ledger from their security ledger, you can post any necessary 'tenant only' charges to the tenant's ledger or property level expenses on the property's ledger (carpet cleaning, repairs, etc) by following these instructions. 

Tenant Only Charges

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click Tenants
  2. Right-click and choose Post Charge from the drop-down menu
  3. Enter the Amount
  4. The system default is a 110 Charge. If you wish to customize the charge, choose a Product/Service from the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter a Memo and Attach Files as necessary
  6. Click the Post Charge button when finished

Property Level Expense

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click Properties
  2. Right-click and choose Post Expense from the drop-down menu
  3. Enter the dollar amount you are paying and any check/ref# as needed
  4. Select the Payment Type

    Note: If you are printing checks from the program, be sure to select Print Check as the payment type.   
  5. Select the appropriate Category (such as repairs) 
  6. Choose a Payee to link the vendor for the expense.
  7. From the Charge Tenant drop-down menu, choose the Tenant who is responsible for the expense
  8. Enter a Memo and Attach Files as necessary
  9. Click the Post Expense button when finished

This will then post the expenses to all of the ledgers and deduct the amounts from the credit. 

Return Remaining Balance to a Tenant

Once all charges have been assessed to the tenant's regular ledger if there is a credit balance remaining that you wish to refund that has been applied to the property, follow these instructions. 

In your Rentec Direct account

  1. Click Properties
  2. Right-click and choose Post Expense
  3. Choose Payment Type 

    NoteWhile posting that refund, If you wish to print a check choose the  Print Check from the drop-down menu.
  4. Then, simply type the tenant's name into the Payee field and then click the blue button to add them to the vendor list
  5. Enter their Mailing Address in order to print that info on the check.

    Note: Printing in this manner does not require you to add the tenant as a vendor in Settings first before posting the expense.
  6. Be sure to indicate the Bank account the funds are to be paid out of and choose a Category from the drop-down menu
  7. Choose the tenant from the Charge Tenant drop-down menu
  8. Add a Memo or Attach Files as necessary
  9. Click Post Expense when finished

Returning tenant deposit balance

Once you have reconciled all charges and refunds for the tenant, you can now print a deposit reconciliation statement. 

More information about printing statements can be found here: Printing a Tenant Statement

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