Tenant Late Fees Not Posting
If your tenant's late fees did not post this month, there are a few reasons to explore.
Pro Tip: Any update to late fee settings will take affect the following billing cycle.
When historic rent charges are added for a tenant, all late fees assesed prior to the tenant being added to your Rentec Direct account will need to be manually posted using the steps below.
Daily late fees will only apply to outstanding rent and any other previous month's charges. They will not populate if the only balance remaining is a current month's late fee.
The default late fee was not established in the Accounting Defaults of your program, nor when you placed a tenant in a property. You can either verify and edit this information on the Tenants Profile or in Settings under Accounting Defaults.
Learn more about establishing Late Fees
Now that you understand why your late fees did not post automatically, you will want to be sure and post them manually.
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Click on Tenants
- Right-click on the Tenant and choose Post Charge
- Edit the date to be reflected in the tenants account
- Enter the amount
- Using the dropdown, select the Late Fee category
- Enter a memo as needed
- Using the dropdown, select the applicable Lease
- Click on Post Charge.