Add Tenants

Tenants can be added at any time to your Rentec Direct account. These instructions will review how to add a tenant to the list of tenants prior to moving in

Pro Tip: If you are new to Rentec Direct property management software, it's important to complete the Basic Setup Steps in order:

  1. Program & Accounting Defaults    4. Managers (for PM clients)
  2. Banking                                         5. Properties
  3. Owners (for PM clients)                 6. Tenants

Adding a Tenant 

Rentec Direct software provides three ways to add tenants to your account, depending on your needs at the time, and excellent details for each option. These steps will walk you through adding a tenant to your tenant list. Below there are links to details for other options:

  1. Adding a tenant from an online application received automatically enters the tenant and co-tenant data - Managing Rental Applications
  2. Adding a tenant upon moving them in - Place Tenant Into a Property | Move-In
  3. Adding a tenant to your list of tenants  

Adding a Tenant to the Tenant List

Again, these are instructions for adding a tenant only to the Tenant List. Once added, they will be inactive until placed into a property (see instruction link above). 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click on Tenants
  2. Click on Add a Tenant
  3. Enter Tenant Details
    1. Company - If a company is entered, that will be reflected on invoices, receipts, and reports instead of the individual name
    2. First Name, MI, Last Name
    3. Date of Birth
    4. SSN
    5. License
    6. Employer
    7. Private Notes - This is internal information and not reflected on reports
  4. Enter Contact Info
    1. Email Notification - Provides the option of automated email notifications being sent to tenants for:
      1. Overdue rent - "Overdue" is determined by the grace period indicated in Accounting Defaults in Step 1 of Setup. The grace period can also be entered on an individual basis as outlined in Step 6 below.
      2. Recurring-Charge when a recurring charge, such as rent, has been posted to the tenant ledger
      3. Charge if a charge other than one recurring has been posted to their account (like late fees)
      4. Payment when a payment or credit has been posted to their account
      5. Work Order when a work order, viewable by the tenant, is complete
    2. Email Address - This will be needed for:
      1. Tenant portal access
      2. Email Notifications
      3. Communication by email with tenants through Rentec Direct software
    3. Mailing Address - Only enter an address here IF it's different than the property the tenant is moved into
    4. Mobile Phone - Displays on all reports except the Rent Roll report
    5. Home Phone - Displays on the Rent Roll report 
    6. Work Phone

      Pro Tip: If a tenant has one phone, copy the phone number into both the cell and home phone options
  5. Tenant Portal - Allows tenants to log in and view their balance, make online payments if a merchant account is enabled, edit their email address or settings, and submit work orders if allowed in program defaults.

    Important Note: Tenant Portals must be enabled before a Tenant can log in
    1. Tenant Portal Access - Check the box to Enable
    2. Password - 
      1. Click on the paper/pencil 
      2. Click the circular arrows to create a temporary password or enter a preferred password
      3. Check the box to email the password with login information to the tenant
      4. Click on Submit to save the Tenant portal settings 

        System Note: The tenant portal information will not be saved until Add Tenant (for new tenants) Update Tenant when editing a tenant at the bottom has been clicked on.
  6. Accounting Defaults - Account default settings for Overdues, Create Invoice, and Grace Period are established in Step 1 of Account Setup in Accounting Defaults and will apply to all tenants added.

    System Note: Accounting settings can be customized for each tenant as needed after the tenant has been added. Click here to learn how to Edit Tenants, Properties, Banking and Owners
    1. Rent Charge - Default from the property upon move-in
    2. Overdues - Default from Accounting Defaults 
    3. Create Invoice - Defaults from Accounting Defaults
    4. Grace Period - Defaults from Accounting Defaults
  7. Other Info - Older accounts may have an Additional Occupants field which can now be added as needed as a Custom Field 
  8. Custom Fields - Allows you to add other fields that may not be a default in your Rentec Direct software but is information that can be included in forms such as leases, renewal letters, message templates and is helpful or required for your company. 

    Learn more about the benefits of Custom Fields
    1. To add a custom field
      1. Click on Manage Custom Fields
      2. Under Tenant Fields, click on + Add Tenant Field
      3. Enter a Field Name
      4. Check the Searchable Box if you would like the field to be searchable using the Global Search Tool
      5. Click on + Add Tenant Field to add additional fields as needed
      6. Click on Save Changes
  9. Click on Add Tenant 
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