Entering Split Transactions

A split transaction allows you to make one entry on a ledger for a total amount that will show on individual ledgers in separate amounts.

An example of when you might need to enter a split transaction is when you receive a payment from a tenant for multiple income categories. 

System Note: When entering a multiple line transaction such as payments from HUD or paying a vendor for work on multiple properties, try using the Batch Income and Expense Transaction Tool

Post a Split Transaction (Tenant Payment)

Posting a tenant payment as a split transaction allows those funds to be applied towards multiple income categories such as rent, late fees etc

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Tenants
  2. Click on the tenants balance to enter the ledger
  3. Click on Post Income
  4. Complete entry for one of the categories
  5. Click on Split Transaction
  6. Complete entry for next category
  7. Click on Add Another Line to add lines as needed
  8. Under Management Fee, check the box of transactions that result in a fee
  9. Click on Attach Files, if there are documents to be attached
  10. Click on Post Income

System Advice: Using the category "2010 Tenant Security Deposit" will move that portion from the Tenants ledger to the Tenants Security Deposit ledger

✨ Tips

Rentec Direct makes it easy to access ledgers for all devices by offering various ways to access them.

  • Click directly on the balance
  • Select View Ledger from the menu that can be accessed by
    • Right-click next to the property, tenant, bank account, or owner and select View Ledger from the menu
    • Click on the 3 dots to access the menu
    • Double click on the subject
    • for Mac users, control-click
  • Within the ledger there are several ways to access the edit/delete option
    • Double click on the transaction to make necessary changes or click on Delete Transaction
    • Click on the paper/pencil icon
    • Right-click on the transaction line
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