Archive, Reactivate, or Delete a Tenant

All active tenants are located on the Tenant List. You can remove them from that list by archiving the tenant profile. Once archived, a tenant can be reactivated or permanently deleted if desired.  

Archive a Tenant

The following steps walk through how to move a tenant from the Tenant List to the archived list. 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click on Tenants
  2. Right-click on the tenant and choose Archive Tenant 
  3. You'll be presented with the following warning with two options
    1. Click Cancel if you do not want to move out and archive the tenant
    2. Click Archive Tenant if you would like to move out and archive the tenant

The tenant profile and ledger are then removed from the active Tenant list and placed on the Archived Tenant list.

Archive Tenant Warning

Archiving Grouped Tenants

When Tenants are grouped together, you can either archive all of the tenants that are grouped together or a co-tenant of that property.

To archive grouped tenants, in your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Tenants
    1. Right-click on the primary tenant and choose Archive Tenant to ungroup and archive all tenants or
    2. Right-click on the co-tenant and choose Archive Tenant to ungroup and archive only that co-tenant

Note: There will be warnings allowing you to confirm if you would like to proceed.

Reactivate or Delete Archived Tenants

After a tenant profile and ledger have been archived, they will stay on the Archived Tenant list, where you'll find all the historical information for that tenant. From the Archived Tenant list, you also have the option to either reactivate that tenant ledger and profile or permanently delete it from your software. 

Rentec Direct Reactivate Tenants

The following steps will walk you through Reactivating or permanently Deleting archived tenants.

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click on Tenants
  2. Click on Tenant Archives
  3. Right-click on the archived tenant and choose:
    1. Reactivate to automatically move the archived tenant ledger and profile to the Tenant List allowing you to place them into a property if desired. 
    2. Delete Tenant to permanently delete all tenant information, including tenant transactions, from your software. You'll be presented with the warning indicated below with two options: 
      1. Cancel (preserve the tenant on your list of archives)
      2. Delete Tenant to permanently delete the tenant and their history from your software

Delete Tenant Warning

Important Note: Throughout the software, you will encounter warnings and additional information and instructions. It's important to carefully read those to avoid critical errors. 

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