Post Your Listing on Craigslist

Ready to easily create craigslist ads? We've made it super simple with our Craigslist listing generation tool.

Create and Post Your Listing on Craigslist

Setting up your listing and using the Craigslist listing generation tool is easy with these straightforward instructions. 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click Properties
  2. Right-click the vacant property, choose Marketing Info from the drop-down menu
  3. Verify the marketing information. If you make any changes be sure to click Save Changes when finished 
  4. At the bottom of the page under Resources, click the link to Preview and setup your Craigslist listing link and follow the simple instructions to post your craigslist listing on the right panel

    Preview and set up your Craigslist listing

That's all there is to it! Listing your property on other sites that accept HTML? Feel free to use the same process and paste the code into any other site that accepts HTML formatting.

Craigslist ad preview and post

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