Marketing Your Rental Through Online Listings

Marketing rentals with Rentec Direct property management software is a quick way to promote available properties on your website and a broad selection of listing sites, establish leads, and fill vacancies quickly. 

This article reviews Marketing Your Rental, Providing an Application Link to a Potential Tenant, and FAQs.

Marketing Your Rental

Marketing Your Rental Online

The Marketing Info page is the hub for information about your available rentals, so it's important to enter as many details and specifications as you can. The information entered here affects matching leads, selects where you want your listing to be seen, and determines if you would like to allow online applications for that particular property.

The following steps will guide you through setting up your marketing preferences to fill your rental quickly, along with some ✨ helpful tips.

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on  Properties 
  2. Right-click on a property and choose Marketing Info 
  3. Under Property Identification, enter details of the location
    1. If you want a little help, enter a basic description and click on the Generate Description tool to let ChatGPT incorporate your search criteria to create a captivating description in as little as 30 seconds
    2. ✨ If you will be listing with Zillow and affiliates, indicate half baths as a decimal (1.5)
  4. Under Search Criteria select details about the specific property to help prospective tenants and leads search the listings on your website to find the best match.
    1. ✨ Include criteria that is included in your lease
    2. ✨ Be sure to use address verify for the Search City to ensure your listing syndicates correctly. Start typing the city name and select the city/state from the address verification options.
  5. Pictures - Drag and drop pictures or click on Browse to upload from your device
    1. Right-click on uploaded images to access a context menu of options that allow you to download, set it as primary, change the order, rename, rotate, or remove the file.
    2. ✨ Use File Sharing to add photos that have been uploaded to your file library
  6. Publishing is where you get to select the action of your listing.
    1. Publish Online Listing When selected will display the rental on your Rentec Direct website or your website if you are using your domain and makes that property included in Lead Tracking
    2. Accept Online Applications will display an Online Applications link on your listing
    3. Enable Syndication to get additional exposure for your listing by sending it to the most popular Syndicated Sites. Syndicate works excellently to promote your residential properties across multiple sites, but is not designed for commercial properties

      System Note: New clients will be prompted for ID verification the first time they apply for or use tenant screening, online payments, and syndication. Once ID is validated once, all three services can be applied for or accessed without additional verification from Rentec Direct.

  7. Resources - Click on the links to view the individual property public page or all of your listings
    1. ✨ Send a link to your website, the Property's Public Page, or All Public Listings to potential tenants to view and apply
    2. ✨ Click on Craigslist listing to preview or set up your Craigslist ad
  8. Click on Save Changes

Provide an Application Link to a Potential Tenant

Potential tenants can easily view and apply for your available rentals online.

Use the steps above to select Publish Online Listing and Accept Online Applications (Syndication does not need to be enabled).

There are two ways a potential tenant can access your online application:

  1. Direct them to your website
  2. Send a link to your This Property's Public Page or All Public Listings using the Resources steps above

Below is an example of what your listing can look like with a link to Apply Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) How long does it take for my listing to appear on syndicated sites?

A) New clients syndicating to third-party sites for the first time experience a four-day delay for security purposes. After that, new listings, changes, and removal of listings can be visible on syndicated sites within 72 hours. If you don't see your listing within 72 hours, these troubleshooting tips will help you find the solution: Syndicated Sites | Why Is My Listing Not Showing Up?

Q) How long does it take to remove a listing from my website and turn off the online application?

A) Once the options are unchecked and saved, listings are removed from your website immediately

Q) How do I stop a listing or turn off application access?

A) You have full control over your listings. To turn off any option, simply use the steps above to un-check the appropriate box and Save Changes.

Q) How can I add a link to a video walkthrough

A) Adding a video walkthrough is an advanced option. Provide the following code to your website designer <ahref="">link text</a>

System Tips:

  • Learn more about the types and formatting of Photos for Property Advertising
  • Learn more about adding photos from your File Library with File Sharing
  • Enter a URL to create a clickable link on your listing site for video tours
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