Syndicated Sites | Why is my Listing Not Showing up?
System Note: These service may charge a fee to post listings on their website(s), or may limit the number of free listings. You may need to visit their website and set up an account with this service before your listings will show. Be sure to inform them that your listing data will flow in via an existing Rentec Direct feed. Once selected, Rentec Direct will syndicate your listing information and images to these sites so you do not have to double enter your listing data.
3) They already have a listing in place for the same address.
4) The way you have the address formatted.
If their system does not recognize your address because you entered "space" instead of "unit" or "Ste" instead of "Suite" for example, their system may reject it and not post your listing. We recommend entering the address into, which will reformat it for you in a way that their system recognizes and will help cause most of the syndicating sites to recognize also. If you don't know whether the address is a Street, Road, or Court, for example, enter the house number, partial street name, city, zip into an online maps program such as and it will usually help you determine the rest of the address.
5) Invalid contact email address.
If a property manager is assigned to the property, the listings will use the email address that you have entered when you added this manager in Mangers & Users in Settings. If the email addresses that you have entered are not valid, the listings will not post properly to the syndicated sites.
6) Missing information.
Specific information may be required for a syndicated site to accept your listing so be sure to add the following:
- rental price
- the number of bedrooms
- the number of bathrooms
- the property description
- street address
- city
- state
- zip code
- manager contact information (phone and email address)
7) The syndicated partner suspended the listing.
The syndicated partner may have received a complaint from an applicant regarding your listing and they have chosen to suspend your listing because of the complaint
8) Commercial properties.
Rental Listing Syndication is designed for residential properties only and is not designed to support commercial properties. To market your commercial properties to sites other than your Rentec Direct website you will need to create a rental listing on the individual sites you prefer.