Tracking Mailing Wizard Orders to PostGrid ✨

It's easy to Track and View PostGrid mail delivery orders through Rentec Direct property management software. 

View Status of Mailing Wizard PostGrid order

Track and View PostGrid Orders

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Tenants
  2. Click on Mailing Wizard
  3. Click on View Orders
  4. Use the dropdown to select a date range or enter a custom begin and end date to refine your list
  5. Click on any of the headers to change the sort order
  6. Click on a line to see a breakdown of the batch, including:
    1. Tenants included in the mailing
    2. Status of the order
    3. Tracking Number
    4. Mailing Class
    5. Per mailing price
    6. Link to preview each document

Status of Letters Mailed Through PostGrid

There are five possible levels of status for letters:

  1. Printing begins the business day after an order is made
  2. In Transit
  3. Shipped
  4. Out for Delivery
  5. Delivered Mail is delivered in 5-7 business days after the order is made.

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