Paying Out Separate Management Fees
The property management software can payout management fees to more than one person if your business model requires. It also allows you track each person's totals for a given time period.
Setting Up Managers in the Property Management Software
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Enter managers in the system and assign them to a property. Those instructions can be found here: Add Property Managers
- Create a separate expense category for each manager. Instructions on creating categories can be found here: Setting Up Categories | Chart of Accounts
- Click Properties.
- Right-click the Property and choose Management Fees.
- Under Category, assign the category you created that corresponds to the person managing that property.
- Choose the management fee options for how those are collected for that property and click Save Changes.
Track the Total Management Fees for Each Person
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Click Reports.
- Under Financial Reports choose the Property and Date Range for your report.
- Select the Category Ledger report.
- The next screen allows you to choose the category that corresponds to a manager to view, save, or print that manager report.
Instructions to pay out each manager their management fees (including paying your self or management company) can be found here: Paying Yourself Property Management Fees.