Cancel or Close Your Rentec Direct Account

Rentec Direct does not require any term commitment or have any cancellation costs.  As such you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your account at any time. 

System Advice: Be sure to export all data that is valuable or may be needed at a later date prior to cancelling an account. Once cancelled/closed, there is a reactivation fee to access the account. Click here for details on how to download ledgers and reports.

How to Close or Cancel Your Account

Follow the steps below to close or cancel your account. 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  • Click on Settings
  • Under Account settings, click on Your Account & Subscription
  • Click on the Modify Subscription link. 
  • Under the Frequently Asked Questions, click the link to cancel

    Note: You'll be presented with some useful options to downgrade your account, get help from the knowledgebase, or contact your Success Team in the event you are simply looking for support
  • If you are still wishing to cancel, click Confirm Cancellation when ready

If you are leaving, we're certainly sorry to see you go. It's very valuable to us to learn what we could have done better to retain your business. After clicking to cancel your subscription you'll have a single entry form presented which you can tell us why you are leaving. Please take a moment and let us know why.

Thank you.

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