PayNearMe Cash Pay | Enable Tenants

Quickly enable tenants to start making cash payments using PayNearMe.

Enable Tenant Cash Pay

Tip: Once the tenants' cash pay option has been enabled, click here to see how tenants can make payments PayNearMe Cash Pay | Tenant Payments

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Tenants
  2. Right-click on a tenant and select Online Payments
  3. Click on
    1. Enable Cash Payments to allow Tenants to use the PayNearMe feature

      Tip: After a tenant cash pay option has been enabled, follow these same steps to Disable Cash Payments for a Tenant to no longer use the PayNearMe feature
  4. Confirm the tenant information and click on Enable Payments

System Note: The screen will not allow you to move forward unless all fields are entered. The tenant's email address and phone number will be required.

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