Assigning Property Managers to Properties

You can set up an unlimited number of property managers in Rentec PM and assign them to properties.  Once done, the property manager's contact information (if it differs from the main account) will appear on:

  • Tenant statements
  • Tenant invoices
  • Online listings & syndication
  • Online applications

This feature is especially useful if you have numerous properties, some of which are managed out of a separate office.  You can set up a property manager with a different address so when invoices are returned by tenants they are returned to the appropriate office.  Likewise, the specific property manager handling a property will receive all online application notifications.  This feature is what makes a multi-manager office function.

Adding Managers

Adding managers is a quick and simple process.

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Under People, choose Manager & Users
  3. Using the link Add a Manager
  4. To allow the manager access to log in, be sure to Enable the User Account
  5. Add Manager

Customize Subuser Permissions

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Under the People section select Managers & Users 
  3. Find the user whose permissions you would like to set and click the link under the Permissions column by their name.
    1.  This link will say, “Custom, Limited, Financial, or Full,” depending on their default permission level 
  4. Select the features you would like to enable for the subuser
  5. Click Save

Designating Managers

Now that your managers have been added to your account, you can assign the manager designations in your property profiles.

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click Properties
  2. Right-click a Property and choose Edit Property 
  3. Under Managers & Owners there are three types of managers. Using the dropdown, select the applicable manager
  4. To save the information
    1. Update Master Property to update only the Master unit
    2. Update Master and Subunits will pull up a screen allowing you to verify information you would like to update on the Master and all subunits for that location

Assign Property Manager, Maintenance Manager and Marketing Manager

Repeat this process for any additional property managers. 

Note: If a you have your application user accounts are restricted to only be able to view some properties, when you specify an application user as a property manager for a property they will automatically be granted access to that property. There is no need to also edit their permissions.

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