Tenant Reports

Vital renter reports are available in your Rentec Direct software, helping you with everything from compliance to keeping track of day-to-day tenant information.

Pro Tip: Rentec Direct property management software has made amazing upgrades to your reporting options that will help you stay ahead of crucial issues and save you time. Check out the new Schedule and Send Reports to Owners and Managers features, including:

  • Ability to create favorite reports that will automatically update without the need to enter defaults
  • Scheduling reports to automatically run and email to managers or owners 
  • Clickable links on reports allow you to make necessary updates in real time and quickly go back to the report using page back

Choosing a Tenant Report

Find your tenant-focused reports in a snap. 

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Reports
  2. Click on Tenant Reports
  3. Enter a specific (as of) Report Date
  4. This report can be created by Property or Property Owner
    1. To order the report by Property, use the drop-down menu by Choose Property to select All Properties or a specific property or unit
    2. To order the report by Property Owner, use the drop-down menu by Choose Owner to select the specific Owner
  5. Click on the desired report 

System Note: The report can be Printed, Emailed, or Saved in PDF or Excel format using the icons in the upper right corner of the report.

Available Tenant Reports

All Statements
Print every tenant statement for the property or owner selected.
All Tenants
This report shows all current properties, their associated tenant, and the corresponding move-in and move-out dates.
Current Deposits A
The Current Deposit A report displays each tenant and the current amount held within each tenant's deposit ledger.
Current Deposits B
Same as Current Deposits A report but also includes the deposit amount due to the tenant.
Delinquent Tenants
An ordered list by tenant showing all currently delinquent tenants. 
Lease Expiration
This report shows properties occupied by tenants that have a lease expiring within the time-frame indicated in your Rentec Direct Program Defaults
Pro Tip: A fter a lease has expired for a month, it will no longer show as Lease Expires Soon on the Summary Page and will not be included in Lease Expiration reports.
Scheduled Move-Outs
This report shows a list of all properties that have tenants scheduled to move out.
Product Billing Statement
Displays all transactions charged to tenants in a ledger format matching a specified category set.
Renters Insurance
Pull this report if you need to see a list of properties with tenants who need to purchase renters insurance.
Rent Roll A
This report shows a list of properties, their associated tenant, their rent due, and their current tenant balance.
Rent Roll B
Same report as Rent Roll A; however, the tenant deposits held are also included.
Rent Roll (enhanced)
The Enhanced Rent Roll report includes everything from Rent Roll A & B, plus additional options. The Enhanced Rent Roll report allows you to customize the report to: 
  • Include Vacant Units
  • Show Move-In Dates
  • Show Market Rent
  • Show Deposits Held
  • Show Payments Received (for the current month)
  • Show Unit Mix Type (number of bedrooms and bathrooms)
  • Show Tenant Contact Info (phone and email)
Pro Tip: These fields are in addition to the property name, tenant name, rent amount, and balance.  
Tenant Contact List
Provides a consolidated tenant contact list, including phone, email, and mailing address.
Vacant Properties
Displays a list of all currently vacant properties, including future tenants.
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