Automatically Email Rent Receipts to Tenants
Automatically Email Rent Receipts to Tenants
Automatically email rent receipts to tenants using Rentec Direct property management software.
After two quick steps, your Rentec Direct account will automatically send tenants a receipt when a payment is added to their ledger.
- Customize the "Your Payment/Credit Posted" System message template using data fields to include information such as:
- The date of payment
- Amount paid
- Tenant's name
- Landlord's name
- Address of rental property
- Select the Send Payment Emails auto notification option for tenants
System Note: Select the “Time of day to send email and text reminders” in the General Preference section of Program Defaults. You can choose a specific time each day or select “Any Time” for messages to be sent on the hour, every hour.
Pro Tip: Rentec Direct also offers the option to Print or Email a Tenant Receipt individually
Customize Your System Message Template
You can use data fields to customize your automated message template.
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Click on Settings
- Under Program, click on Message Templates
- Click on the paper/pencil to edit the template with the subject Payment/Credit Posted with the type System
- Place your cursor where you would like information to auto-populate and use the dropdown to select the Data Fields
Important Note: System messages apply to all tenants set to receive notifications. Adding data fields will customize the message per tenant. We advise against changing the purpose of your customization. (For example, you would not want a message intended for a specific tenant to show on all tenant messages)
Learn More about Message Templates
Select the Auto Notification for Tenants
Email Notification preferences can be selected when moving a new tenant in or editing an existing tenant. The following steps walk through editing existing tenants.
In your Rentec Direct account:
- Click on Tenants
- Right-click on the primary tenant and select Edit Tenant
- Under Contact Info, check the Enable box
- Click on the paper/pencil icon to view the list of options
- Select Send Payment Emails
- Click on Submit Changes
- Click on Update Tenant
Learn More about Automatic Email Notifications