Routing Maintenance Requests & Work Orders

Whether you manage your own maintenance or have a designated maintenance manager, Rentec Direct property management software can automatically send notifications of new work orders and updates.

Rentec Direct property management mobile app allows you to receive notifications and manage work orders on your cell phone or other mobile device.

Learn more about:

Routing Maintenance Requests & Work Orders

When work orders are created, your team automatically receives an email alerting them of possible maintenance needs. The email is routed differently depending on the version of Rentec Direct you are subscribed to. 

Rentec PM Accounts

Rentec Direct PM is designed to manage properties owned by other people, separate LLCs, clients that would like to add managers and/or owners, or those that apply CAM charges. Rentec Direct PM clients can designate a Maintenance Manager for each property, and that manager will receive an email notification when a tenant submits a work order through their portal.

More information on this feature can be found here: Manager Types

If you would like a Maintenance Manager to receive notification when someone else on your team submits a work order: 

In your Rentec Direct account: 

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Under Program, click on Program Defaults 
  3. Under General Preferences, change Automatically email new Work Orders to maintenance manager to YES
  4. Click on Save Changes 

Note: The Email Maintenance Manager option is always unchecked by default when updating a work order and will require you to check a box to send any changes. 

Rentec Pro Accounts

Rentec Direct Pro is most commonly used by clients who manage properties that they own and don't need to assign separate marketing or maintenance managers. When a tenant submits a maintenance request through their tenant portal, an email notification will automatically be sent to the email address listed under Settings in Your Contact Info.  

System Note: If you wish to re-route these automated email notices to other recipients, you will need to use your email provider's settings for forwarding emails. to facilitate this. Notifications of work orders submitted by tenants will have a subject line of New Work Order Posted by Tenant and will come from
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