The Rentec Direct Mobile Apps

Rentec Direct property management software's mobile apps are available for everyone with an active login or portal access, including property managers, landlords, subusers, owners, and tenants.

There are three mobile apps available for Android and iOS (Apple iPhone and iPad) devices providing 24/7 access to Rentec Direct accounts.

Rentec Direct Mobile App

The Rentec Direct Mobile App is for property managers, landlords, and their subusers to manage their Rentec Direct accounts.  This app is full-featured and includes all the functionality that you're familiar with in the desktop version of the software. 

The links below will take you directly to the app store of your choice to download the app. 

Tip: One of the amazing options available in your mobile app is the Push Notification. This allows new maintenance requests and text messages from your tenants to be forwarded to your mobile device.

More information on enabling the push notification option is available here Text Message and Maintenance Request Notifications (Mobile App)

Resident Connect

The Resident Connect Mobile app by Rentec Direct mobile app is for residents and tenants to access current information on their statement balance, amount, and due dates, and when enabled, they can have access to submit a maintenance work order and schedule online payments.  The Resident Connect app contains all the functionality of the Tenant Portal. Click here for more information about the Resident Connect Mobile App

Tip: You will need to enable the Tenant Portals for each of your tenants before they can log into their mobile app. 

Owner Connect for PM Clients

The Owner Connect is a mobile app of the Rentec Direct Owner Portal that allows property owners to log into an account with their own user name, to view information about their property, occupancy rates, incoming rent, view reports, and make owner contributions. Click here for more information about the Owner Connect Mobile App

Tip: The Owner Portals will need to be enabled for each owner to access their mobile app.

Note: For devices unable to install a mobile app, you may want to  Create a Desktop Shortcut or Create a Mobile App Shortcut

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