Online Applications, Fees & Screening Reports

Accepting online rental applications, application fees and ordering tenant screening reports through Rentec Direct software helps streamline tenant placement and fill your rentals quickly. 

The article is an introduction to Online Applications, Fees, and Screening reports. Each subject has clickable links to detailed instructions and more information about the topic.

  1. Ordering Tenant Screening and Credit Reports
  2. Receive application fees online
  3. Creating your online application with a fee
  4. Marketing or advertising available rentals
  5. Providing applicants a link to apply
  6. How to access received applications

System Note: For security reasons and to remain in compliance, all new Rentec Direct clients will be prompted to validate their identity before any of the following features can be enabled. This is a one-time process that is required to ensure the security of your data.

  • Tenant Screening
  • Online Payments
  • Syndication


Tenant Screening reports can be ordered through your Rentec Direct software, and with a quick application, you will also be ready to order Credit reports. 

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Reports
  2. Select Screening Reports
  3. Click on +Order a Report to order screening reports
  4. If an application hasn't already been submitted, under Ready to Order Credit Reports, click the  "CLICK HERE" link to complete your application.

Note: We can have you set up to pull credit report cards within 24 business hours.

Learn more about Ordering and Viewing Tenant Screening Reports


Receive application fees online through your Rentec Direct software with an active merchant account and CC/Debit Card option selected.

Apply now for Payment Processing Setup | Enrollment

Important Notes:

  • Most merchant applications are approved on the same day and set up with Rentec Direct on the next business day.
  • When applying for a merchant account, you will have the option of ACH and CC/Debit Card or ACH only. CC/Debit Card is required for online application fees. If you prefer, default settings can indicate ACH only for rental income.

Pro Tips: In addition to Application Fees, here are some of the other online financial transactions that may be processed through your Rentec Direct account with an active merchant account:

  • Rental Income via ACH and/or credit or debit card
  • Pay Vendors, Payees, and Management Fees via ACH
  • Owner Contributions via ACH
  • Owner Disbursements via ACH


Once you are set up to pull tenant screening reports and online payment processing in the software, you can create your custom Online Rental Application and set the Application Fee.

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Under Program, click on Rental Applications
  3. Set Enable Online Applications to Yes
  4. Select the Default Questions to be displayed on the application
  5. Indicate any Instructions for completing the application or providing documentation
  6. Add Custom Questions you'd like to add and indicate:
    1. If you would like to allow a Single or Multiple Line response
    2. If an answer is Required. If an answer is Required, the application cannot be submitted without a response to that question.
  7. Under Application Fees:
    1. Enter the Application Fee Amount to be applied
    2. Choose if you want to Apply the collected fee to the property as income
    3. If you do not want the application fee to post to the property and deposit into a different merchant account than Use the dropdown to choose Which account will the application fee credit to?
    4. Use the dropdown to choose which category the Application Fee is to be applied to
  8. Click on Save Changes

System Notes: When selecting the account application fees are to deposit into

* The account must be linked to a merchant account

The account can be different than the 'Income Account' indicated in the property

Learn more about Online Payment Processing, Multiple Deposit Accounts for ACH and Credit Card Payments, and Managing Rental Applications

Tip: If you prefer to have applicants pay for their screening reports separately, you may want to contact ApplyConnect or RentPrep screening services.


Marketing your available property on your website and syndicated sites is simple with your Rentec Direct account.

Learn more about Building Your Own Enhanced Website that's included with your Rentec Direct account.

The following steps guide you through enabling marketing options for your properties.

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Properties
  2. Right-click on the property and select Marketing Info
    1. Enter the Property Identification, Search Criteria (lead tracking), and photos (upload, drag & drop, or share from the file library).

      Pro Tip: Use the ChatGPT AI listings generator to transform a basic property description into a well-crafted marketing tool. Learn more about the AI listing generator Instant Property Descriptions For Rental Listings

  3. Under Publishing, check:
    1. Publish Online Listing - To change the status of the property to available on your website 
    2. Accept Online Applications - To display a link to your online application
    3. Enable Syndication - To send your listings to third-party sites such as Zillow, Trulia, and

System Note:If you only want the property listed on your website, uncheck Enable Syndication

Learn more about Marketing Your Rental Through Online Listings and the Syndicated Sites


When a potential tenant is interested in your available property, you can direct them to your website or send them a link to the application using the following steps.

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Properties
  2. Right-click on the property and select Marketing Info
  3. Under Resources, right-click on This Property's Public Page for the specific property or All Public Listings and select copy link address (send to applicant)


When an online application has been submitted you will be alerted three different ways:
  1. There will be an indication on the Summary Page under Quick Access Links
  2. Unread Application will be indicated on the Applications page
  3. An email alert will be sent to the Marketing Manager of the property in PM accounts and the email address in Your Contact Info of Pro accounts.

Learn more about Managing Rental Applications

Tenant Screening Reports can be pulled directly from online applications.

In your Rentec Direct account:

  1. Click on Properties
  2. Click on Applications
  3. Click on the Application
  4. There will be an Order Background Check option for each applicant

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